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Ambassador Team

The C3TB Ambassador Team exists to promote attendance, enhance and retain membership, and provide support within C3TB’s programs. 

The C3TB Ambassador Team consists of volunteers from the Chamber membership who donate their time to assist the Chamber in various activities.  

What do Ambassadors do?

  • Raise awareness of Chamber activities and benefits
  • Inform and involve new Chamber members to promote strong continuing membership
  • Encourage meaningful and beneficial participation in the Chamber's programs
  • Serving as a liaison between the Chamber staff and membership

How do Ambassadors Benefit from participation?

  • Increased name and face recognition for individual/business
  • Increased networking opportunities including:
  • Connecting on-on-one with new and existing Chamber members
  • Gaining referral opportunities through other Ambassadors
  • Presenting a business introduction at an Ambassador meeting
  • Social media coverage from attendance at Chamber events
  • Opportunity to get insider’s perspective of the local business community
  • Opportunity to meet local business and community leaders
  • Opportunity to give back and help the community

How does it Benefit the Chamber?

  • Increased visibility within the community
  • Better understanding of membership needs
  • More involvement of existing Chamber Members
  • Ability to manage events more effectively
  • Increased recruitment opportunities
  • Member retention

How does it Benefit the Membership?

  • Increased access to points of contact for assistance or to answer questions
  • More frequent Chamber communication
  • Potential for increased referrals
  • Members feel more connected to the Chamber

What are the Ambassador Requirements?

  • Be a current member
  • Sign the Ambassador C3TB beliefs and faith agreement
  • Always promote the Chamber in a positive manner

Service Opportunities and Responsibilities

Ambassadors have the opportunity to select what activities they want to complete to fulfill service requirements. The opportunities may vary from year to year, but can include:

  • Staffing the welcome/registration table at Chamber events and meetings
  • Attending ribbon cutting / grand opening celebrations
  • Serving as a mentor for new Chamber members
  • Delivering Chamber materials to members
  • Delivery and pickup of event items / supplies
  • Serve as a welcoming committee for new Chamber members
  • Refer potential ambassadors to the Chamber staff
  • Promote and spread the word about Chamber events
  • Work C3TB for events/conferences

Champion Sponsors


“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

Colossians 3:23-24

CONTACTS US       |     727-900-5770

Christian Chamber of Commerce Tampa Bay, Inc. 

29750 US Hwy 19 N, Suite 203

Clearwater, Florida 33761


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