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C3TB Christmas Celebration

  • 12/16/2020
  • 11:30 AM - 1:15 PM
  • BANQUET MASTERS 13355 49th St N Clearwater, FL 33762



RESCHEDULED FOR JANUARY-Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing - Avoiding Mission Drift

Presented by Charles DiMarco

Has your ministry or organization ever experienced mission drift? Do you know of ministries or organizations that have fallen into the trap of mission drift? In this presentation we will discuss the causes of mission drift as well as steps to take to stay rooted to our mission as we purpose to keep “the main thing the main thing”.

Presentation Objectives:

  • Recognize the Causes of Mission Drift
  • Evaluate Market Position Elements
  • Ensuring Your “Party” Matches Your “Invitation”?
  • Review Best Practices of Mission-True Organizations
  • Conduct a Mission-True Self-Assessment on Your Organization


December 16, 2020 ~ 11:30 Networking - Noon Lunch & Program


In Person: Banquet Masters ~ 13355 49th St N, Clearwater, FL 33762 - Please adhere to all COVID county guidelines - please wear a mask to the meeting and at all times unless eating.

Zoom: The Zoom log in information will be emailed to you when you register. Zoom Start Time is 12:20 p.m.

Reservation Levels:

$30.00 - In Person Members

$40.00 - In Person Guests

Free - Zoom Members and Guests

In Person RSVP Deadline: Noon - MONDAY, DECEMBER 14TH

This is a firm reservation deadline - payments must be paid in advance.  No shows will be billed.


Business Spotlight - AVAILABLE

Ministry of the Month

New Life Solutions is the Ministry for the final quarter of 2020 - there are many ways to support this ministry, their 4 medical clinics and the many families they serve. Click HERE for a link to their Wish List or simply bring a package of DIAPERS to a meeting!


Charles DiMarco is the President/CEO of New Life Solutions, where their mission is to “protect the unborn, share the gospel, and transform our communities – one life at a time”. He has over 25 years of experience in disciplines such as B2B/B2C marketing, international branding, strategic marketing, social media marketing, global operations, sales, and entrepreneurial start-ups.

Charles has had the opportunity to travel to Italy, Ireland, and the Philippines to help address the needs and strategic direction of the organizations for which he has worked. He also served as an Adjunct Instructor at St. Petersburg College teaching courses in the College of Business such as Social Media Marketing; Services Marketing; Marketing Promotions; Sales, Negotiations, and Customer Relationship Management; and Entrepreneurial Sales and Marketing.

Charles has an MBA in International Business and Marketing Strategy as well as an undergraduate degree in Marketing from the University of South Florida. He has been formally trained by The Gallup Organization in developing strengths-based teams and communicating employee engagement principles as well as by PPG Industries in creating and implementing Business Process Excellence.

He has attended Starkey Road Baptist church for 30 years where in 2019 he served as the Chairman of the Deacons. Charles has been formally trained by Crown Financial Ministries and for the last 16 years has had the opportunity to lead small groups in their journey towards financial freedom. Charles and his wife Cindy are the parents to two boys and teach a Sunday School class for married couples focused on the biblical applications of marriage principles.

Champion Sponsors


“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

Colossians 3:23-24

CONTACTS US       |     727-900-5770

Christian Chamber of Commerce Tampa Bay, Inc. 

29750 US Hwy 19 N, Suite 203

Clearwater, Florida 33761


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